There has been an increase in internet prostitution stings in recent years. The underlying premise of these websites is usually unrelated to prostitution. Melbourne escorts and other similar variations, on the other hand, are free to post ads, meet clients, and make arrangements there.
While the sites are generally regarded as protected free speech, they are unquestionably being used to track down, identify, entice, and arrest people involved in illegal activities such as prostitution. If you have been caught in a prostitution sting or are concerned about being caught in a sting for contacting an escort service, it is important to understand what is and isn't legal.
Escorts are legal
An electrician or a professional escort has the right to be compensated for their time. If you want to pay a beautiful young person to attend a party, go to a carnival, or sit alone in your bedroom, you can, and they can accept your money. This means that arranging to meet an escort is legal, as is spending the evening together in public or private, and tipping them is also legal. Giving money to someone who has previously been charged with solicitation is legal as long as the money is not explicitly for sex.
It is legal to sleep together
Under almost any circumstances, consenting mature escorts in their right minds are legally permitted to have sex as long as it is not in public. It's legal if you met a stranger at a bar, bought them drinks, and the evening ended up at your or their house. It is also legal to hire an escort, have a great time, and then sleep together consensually after the date. In fact, if you pay someone for their time after they've told you they frequently have sex on the first date, it's even legal.
What Is Illegal?
So you can pay an escort (or masseuse) for their time, spend the evening with them however you want, and they are allowed to sleep with you consensually if they want to during your time together. What is not legal is agreeing to pay a specific sum of money in exchange for sexual acts and favours. It is illegal to offer and accept sex for money. It's critical to understand that intercourse isn't required to be charged with prostitution or solicitation. Paying for oral sex, masturbation, and even naked cuddling all count as "sexual favours" in the eyes of the law. Indeed, even agreeing to do so is illegal.
You can even legally pay an escort to satisfy fetish desires as long as no one's private parts are exposed or touched. You can attend fetish costume parties, spank them or be spanked, and so on. Being kinky isn't illegal, or there would have been a wall of arrests in the 1990s.
If you have been caught in an online prostitution sting, or if you have been charged with prostitution or solicitation, you must contact a prostitution sting and scam lawyer. You should not be charged for crossing a line you did not cross.